Sunday, November 30, 2008

Love some free giveaways????

Then ,I should be Folding Laundry, is the place to go. She has got some really great Free Giveaways. So go on, check it out. Now, who doesn't love a deal like that???

Christmas around the corner

I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. Got your shopping done yet?? Not I. I did go out on Black Friday and got some great deals but I have yet to finish. I don't know what's wrong with me this year. Usually I am almost done by this time and I usually finish up on Black Friday. It seems that I'm just not into the spirit of Christmas yet. Maybe it's because we have been fighting sickness after sickness for the past 3 months and I just haven't felt the spirit of it. We did have a great Thanksgiving, just being with family and friends. We didn't forget to count our blessings and be thankful for the things we have. I am glad that it is over though. I'm hoping to find some good recipes for some Holiday baking. I'm thinking maybe that will do the trick to get myself out of this funk. I did manage to get the tree up Thanksgiving night. My youngest is fascinated with it. At least the kids are enjoying it. Well I'm off to see what I can find for recipes.