Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Please visit and let them know that you stopped by. It is a blog that I have been keeping up with for awhile now. Last year they lost their 4 year old daughter to cancer and now their little boy is in the hospital and the doctors are still trying to figure out what is going on. I know they need all the prayers and encouragement that you can give them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Launch

So I am launching my new Boutique. Please visit me here to learn more about it. Also please visit my website:

Monday, March 2, 2009

So what's next?

So what is next on the agenda for our home? The past month we have been through the ringer. My husband was put on Blood Pressure meds, we had to shell out so much money on my car and now we are shelling out more money for our oldest Daughter for Allergy shots which she starts tomorrow morning bright and early. Not only that, she is also on a nasal spray which the kind she was put on is pricey not to mention Zyrtec which isn't cheap by any means as well and the wrost of it all, my FIL found out that he has cancer. We are very devistated and saddened by this news. Im an just praying that he will be cured. The good news, my littlest one turned 2 a week ago. I am saddened by the fact that I do not have any little tiny babies in the house. Oh how I wish I did. I really miss it. But I am blessed and thankful for the wonderful two that I do have. So do you like the new look?? I am going to clean up abit and maybe add something new. My trip to Laguna has been canceled for now. Too much stuff going on and too little time, so no time right now for a trip. But I am still young so hopefully in the near future I will find the time to go.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On Hold

So my weight loss journey is on hold for now. Don't get me wrong. I am still going to try my best to eat healthy but I'm not going to try so hard. You see, I have PCOS. I am Insulin Resistant or Hypothyroid but my Testosterone levels are really out of control. That's where my weight is coming from. It's like Im walking into a health food store and coming out with a bottle of testosterone and taking it. I have been having trouble's with my meds for the past year or so. I finally broke down and went to a new doctor. He put me on different meds hoping to control my levels. He also told me that once I get my levels under control I should be able to loose more weight. So I am on hold for now, hoping my meds work. I have read on the internet that alot of woman have lost wieght on these meds so we will see. It's so frustrating.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Down 2 pounds

Yesterday was weigh in Wed which I did not have a chance to blog yesterday but I am down 2 pounds this week with a total of 9 pounds lost. Of course, it wasn't as much as last week but I figured that it was all water weight. But I will take 2 pounds. So much better than 0. My goals this week are to keep on striving, drink my daily intake of water, count my points and add extra activity to my day.

It also helps that in March my trip to Laguna Beach is coming up and I want to look great instead of a big ole blob out on that beach. That motivates me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nothing this time

So I weighed today since Wed and I am still at 217. I guess 3 days doesn't make a difference much but still, I just want all this weight off. This week Im going to exercise more and take in more water that I have been. I haven't been getting in my water intake that WW said I should. I wanted to get discouraged today and just eat my heart out but I only used some of my WAP but I am going to make up for it by adding more AP this week. Im also going to try not to weigh as much. Im going to try to atleast wait till my next weigh in and see how that goes. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans


I was able to grab this button for my 7 pounds that I lost!! YAY ME!!

WooHoo...Weigh in Wednesday

I DID IT!!!!!!! Today is weigh in Wed and I am down to 217. 7 pounds gone!!! I am so proud of myself for sticking to it! Now, I just have to get through the rest of the 67 pounds! It has been a Little challenging! Esp. when I have wanted those second helpings or I am out of my points for the day and I still want something good to eat! Or my Mt. Dews! My main goal this coming week it to exercise more. And to not get discouraged.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Want to Join Me?

Want to join me for a challenge? A weight loss challenge! Just go to and read all about it and if you think it might be for you then sign up! I am! Im soo tired of living the unhealthy lifestyle! I want to feel better about myself. And I just want all this weight off. My husband and I feel the same so we made a bet. We weighed this past Friday and so two months whoever looses the most gets to do something really great! Mine?? Im going to the SPA and I don't mean a massage. I am all out, full out service! Oh Yes, This bet is mine. So, I found this site and I am in on it. What better way to have support and read about others who are doing the same challange. And If you loose the most, you win something. So go check it out. Ready to get started??? LETS GO!!!

Start weight: 224