Monday, March 2, 2009

So what's next?

So what is next on the agenda for our home? The past month we have been through the ringer. My husband was put on Blood Pressure meds, we had to shell out so much money on my car and now we are shelling out more money for our oldest Daughter for Allergy shots which she starts tomorrow morning bright and early. Not only that, she is also on a nasal spray which the kind she was put on is pricey not to mention Zyrtec which isn't cheap by any means as well and the wrost of it all, my FIL found out that he has cancer. We are very devistated and saddened by this news. Im an just praying that he will be cured. The good news, my littlest one turned 2 a week ago. I am saddened by the fact that I do not have any little tiny babies in the house. Oh how I wish I did. I really miss it. But I am blessed and thankful for the wonderful two that I do have. So do you like the new look?? I am going to clean up abit and maybe add something new. My trip to Laguna has been canceled for now. Too much stuff going on and too little time, so no time right now for a trip. But I am still young so hopefully in the near future I will find the time to go.

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